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jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012


An important point to bear in mind are the concepts of what a

Beowulf cluster structure and definition.

I leave the link support for the project.
I also consider the aportation of our partner Juan Carlos a good aportation for our project.

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012

first tests of cluster

Se hizo un Cluster con 4 computadoras la forma en que nos conectamos fue mediante una red conectados mediante wireless.pueden correr un programa de ejemplo desarrollado en paralelo con las librerías MPI. primero se hizo con 2 computadoras despues con 4 nos basamos en el siguiente tutorial .

Lo pueden intentar no es complicado aveces cuando intentas montar el directorio compartido si dice que no existe reinicias la computadora que es el nodo hijo.

Structuring a beowulf cluster

Beowulf is a technology to group computers based on the system Linux operating to form a virtual supercomputer parallel. In 1994 under the sponsorship ESS project of the Center for Excellence in Science Data and Information Space (CESDIS), Thomas Sterling and Don Becker created the first  Beowulf cluster for research purposes.
The following describes the hardware and software components that make up a
Beowulf cluster.
Beowulf has a multicomputer based architecture which can be used for parallel computing. This system consists of a master node and one or more nodes slaves connected via an Ethernet network or other network topology. It is built with common hardware components on the market, like any PC capable of running Linux, Ethernet adapters and switches standards. Since it contains elements special is completely reproducible. One of the main differences between Beowulf and a cluster of workstations (COWs cluster of workstations) is the fact that Beowulf behaves more like a single machine that many workstations. In most cases the slave nodes do not have monitors or keyboards and are accessed only via remote terminal or serial. The master node controls the whole cluster and serves files systems to slave nodes. It is also the cluster's console and the connection to the outside world. The Large Beowulf machines might have more than one master node and other nodes devoted to various specific tasks, such as consoles or workstations  supervision. In most cases the slave nodes of a Beowulf are simple stations. Nodes are configured and controlled by the master node, and make only what prompted it. In a configuration of diskless slaves, these do not even know your IP address until the teacher tells them what it is.


Beowulf operating system using any Linux distribution. It also uses message passing libraries such as PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine), MPI (Message Pasing Interface). In the beginning, Beowulf used the Slackware Linux distribution, Now most of the cluster distribution has migrated to Red Hat for its easy system administration. Without a doubt, the cluster presents an important alternative for many problems particular, not only its economy but also because they can be designed and adjusted for specific applications.
the alternatives for managing the resources of a Beowulf cluster is MOSIX. Mosix is a tool developed for UNIX-like systems whose characteristic stands out is the use of shared algorithms, which are designed to respond to instantly to changes in available resources, making the effective balancing
Mosix3 Using a cluster of PC's is that it works in such a way that the nodes function as parts of a single computer. The main objective of this tool is distribute the load generated by sequential or parallelized applications. A load balancing approach is performed by users when allocating  different processes of a parallel to each node, having made a previous review manually the state of these nodes. Packages generally used for such work are PVM and MPI. This type of software, has tools for the initial allocation of processes to each node, regardless of existing load on the same or the availability of free memory each. these packages run at the user level as ordinary applications, ie they are unable to activate other resources or to distribute the workload in the cluster dynamically. the Most of the time the user is responsible for the management of resources in the nodes and manual execution of the distribution or migration programs.
Unlike these packages, Mosix performs automatic resource location available global migration and dynamic run "on line" 'of processes or programs to ensure the maximization of each node.

Beowulf Linux Cluster

Beowulf Clusters are scalable performance clusters based on commodity hardware, on a private system network, with open source software (Linux) infrastructure.

Each consists of a cluster of PCs or workstations dedicated to running high-performance computing tasks. The nodes in the cluster don't sit on people's desks; they are dedicated to running cluster jobs. It is usually connected to the outside world through only a single node.

What are Beowulf systems being used ? 

Traditional technical applications such as simulations, biotechnology, and petro-clusters; financial market modeling, data mining and stream processing; and Internet servers for audio and games.

One question that is commonly enough asked on the beowulf list is "How hard is it to build or care for a beowulf?"
Mind you, it is quite possible to go into beowulfery with no more than a limited understanding of networking, a handful of machines (or better, a pocketful of money) and a willingness to learn, and over the years I've watched and sometimes helped as many groups and individuals (including myself) in many places went from a state of near-total ignorance to a fair degree of expertise on little more than guts and effort.
However, this sort of school is the school of hard (and expensive!) knocks; one ought to be able to do better and not make the same mistakes and reinvent the same wheels over and over again, and this book is an effort to smooth the way so that you can.
One place that this question is often asked is in the context of trying to figure out the human costs of beowulf construction or maintenance, especially if your first cluster will be a big one and has to be right the first time. After all, building a cluster of more than 16 or so nodes is an increasingly serious proposition. It may well be that beowulfs are ten times cheaper than a piece of "big iron'' of equivalent power (per unit of aggregate compute power by some measure), but what if it costs ten times as much in human labor to build or run? What if it uses more power or cooling? What if it needs more expensive physical infrastructure of any sort?
These are all very valid concerns, especially in a shop with limited human resources or with little linux expertise or limited space, cooling, power. Building a cluster with four nodes, eight nodes, perhaps even sixteen nodes can often be done so cheaply that it seems ''free'' because the opportunity cost for the resources required are so minimal and the benefits so much greater than the costs. Building a cluster of 256 nodes without thinking hard about cost issues, infrastructure, and cost-benefit analysis is very likely to have a very sad outcome, the least of which is that the person responsible will likely lose their job.
If that person (who will be responsible) is you, then by all means read on. I cannot guarantee that the following sections will keep you out of the unemployment line, but I'll do my best.